📄️ use
use is a polyfill hook to resolve promises state for React v18 and below. Note that it only implements the ability to consume promises.
📄️ useControlled
useControlled is a custom hook that helps you manage controlled components. It is a wrapper around useState that allows you to control the value of a component from the outside.
📄️ useCookie
React hook that facilitates the storage, updating and deletion of values within the CookieStore
📄️ useCountDown
React State Hooks that return the minutes gracefull
📄️ useCounter
React state hook that tracks a numeric value
📄️ useCycleList
Cycle through a list of items
📄️ useDebounce
React hooks that debounce value
📄️ useDisclosure
useDisclosure is a hook that provides all the tools you need to create a disclosure widget. Disclosure widgets are used to show or hide content. This hook provides the state and functions to control the visibility of the content.
📄️ useFirstMountState
React state hook that returns true if component is just mounted
📄️ useHover
Detect if mouse is over given element.
📄️ useLatest
React state hook that returns the latest state as described in the React hooks FAQ.
📄️ useLocalStorage
React side-effect hook that manages a single localStorage key
📄️ useMergedRefs
useMergedRefs is a hook that merges multiple refs into a single ref. Use this hook when you need to use more than one ref on a single dom node.
📄️ useMountedState
Lifecycle hook providing ability to check component's mount state.
📄️ usePrevious
React state hook that returns the previous state as described in the React Docs
📄️ useRafState
React state hook that only updates state in the callback of requestAnimationFrame
📄️ useSessionStorage
React side-effect hook that manages a single sessionStorage key
📄️ useSetState
useState wrapper to work with state like in class component
📄️ useSupported
Check to see if your browser supports some feature
📄️ useTextSelection
Track user text selection based on document.getSelection
📄️ useThrottle
React hooks that throttle value
📄️ useToggle
React state hook that tracks value of a boolean