📄️ useAsyncEffect
React useEffect with async await support. Note it don't support generator function
📄️ useCustomCompareEffect
A modified useEffect hook that accepts a comparator which is used for comparison on dependencies instead of reference equality
📄️ useDebounceFn
React hooks that debounce function
📄️ useDeepCompareEffect
A modified useEffect hook that is using deep comparison on its dependencies instead of reference equality
📄️ useEvent
Basic implementation of React RFC useEvent. It lets you define event handlers that can read the latest props/state but have always stable function identity
📄️ useEventEmitter
A basic eventemitter
📄️ useEventListener
Use EventListener with ease.
📄️ useInterval
A declarative interval hook based on Dan Abramov's article on overreacted.io. The interval can be paused by setting the delay to null
📄️ useIsomorphicLayoutEffect
useIsomorphicLayoutEffect that does not show warning when server-side rendering, see Alex Reardon's article for more info
📄️ useMount
React lifecycle hook that executes a function after the component is mounted
📄️ useOnceEffect
A Hook that avoids React18 useEffect run twice
📄️ useOnceLayoutEffect
A Hook that avoids React18 useLayoutEffect run twice
📄️ useRafFn
Call function on every requestAnimationFrame. With controls of pausing and resuming
📄️ useThrottleFn
React hooks that throttle function
📄️ useTimeout
Update value after a given time
📄️ useTimeoutFn
Wrapper for setTimeout with controls
📄️ useUnmount
React lifecycle hook that calls a function when the component will unmount
📄️ useUpdate
React utility hook that returns a function that forces component to re-render when called
📄️ useUpdateEffect
React effect hook that ignores the first invocation (e.g. on mount). The signature is exactly the same as the useEffect hook
📄️ useUpdateLayoutEffect
React layoutEffect hook that ignores the first invocation (e.g. on mount). The signature is exactly the same as the useLayoutEffect hook