📄️ useActiveElement
React Sensor Hooks that tracks document.activeElement
📄️ useClickOutside
Listen for clicks outside of an element. Useful for modal or dropdown
📄️ useDocumentVisibility
React Sensor Hook that tracks document.visibilityState
📄️ useDoubleClick
React sensor hook that controls double click and single click
📄️ useDraggable
Make elements draggable
📄️ useDropZone
Create an zone where files can be dropped
📄️ useElementBounding
React Element Hook that tracks bounding box of an HTML element
📄️ useElementSize
React Sensor Hook that tracks size of an HTML element. ResizeObserver MDN
📄️ useElementVisibility
React Element Hooks that tracks the visibility of an element within the viewport. A wrapper of useIntersectionObserver
📄️ useFocus
React Sensor Hooks that tracks element foucs state
📄️ useIntersectionObserver
React sensor hook that tracks the changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport. Uses the Intersection Observer API and returns a IntersectionObserverEntry
📄️ useMeasure
React sensor hook that tracks dimensions of an HTML element using the Resize Observer API
📄️ useMutationObserver
Watch for changes being made to the DOM tree. MutationObserver MDN
📄️ useResizeObserver
Watch size of an HTML element. ResizeObserver MDN
📄️ useSticky
React Hook that tracks element sticky
📄️ useWindowsFocus
React Element Hook that tracks window focus with window.onfocus and window.onblur events
📄️ useWindowScroll
useWindowScroll is a React Hook that is used to get the scroll position of the browser window
📄️ useWindowSize
React Element Hooks that tracks window size